
Voice of Plenty


In their continuous dancing movement of the rhythmic forms of sacred geometry along the zodiac circle, the planets occupy different positions moment by moment, and are at different distances from each other and in different relationships with each other.

These distance relationships expressed in degrees are called PLANETARY ASPECTS, and contribute to welding, reinforcing, expanding, or compressing, suffocating, blocking, but in any case to make the planets of the birth chart communicate with each other in specific ways.

There may also be planets that are not in dialogue with others: these planets are called ISOLATED PLANETS, and, in my experience of astrology, they correspond to thematic areas on which the soul has already learned and integrated their profound archetypal lesson; therefore they do not need further stimuli or dialogues, but are complete in themselves, sometimes so much so as to be invisible, like my wandering ones who then awaken, sometimes with deep suffering, in specific moments of life, under the stimulus of a planetary transit. Once found, however, the soul reconnects with a path of deep experience already rooted in itself, in which it has reached a high level of mastery, and such isolated planets remain as bright fixed points in the present life, as solitary stars that illuminate the path of the soul’s evolution with their nourishment of beauty and their infinite gifts.

As the planets of today move along their daily path, they create new aspects with the original positions of the natal planets, and these aspects are called TRANSITS.


The conjunction is the superposition of two or more planets in the same point of the Sky.

When the conjunction involves four or more planets, all in the same area of ​​the Sky, that place becomes particularly significant for the life and evolution of the individual, who could assume a strong component of adherence, as long as it is called rigidity or idealization, with the archetypal values ​​of the story of the place. In this case, transits usually allow a suffering, but necessary disidentification from the personality, which allows the individual to take back his abundant gifts without attachment, desires and ideals of the ego.

The conjunction can be both harmonious and disharmonious depending on the birth chart and the combination of the planets involved.

In transits, in the same way, the conjunction can take on an ambivalent value, and be revealed as such (if resource or block), by the rest of the transits in progress. Usually they make us involved and participants in the energy of the passing planet, making us act instinctively as if we were that planet.

The conjunction especially between two planets, of different sizes, such as the Sun and Mercury, gives rise to extreme situations, in which the energy of the smaller planet is literally combusted, that is, burned, consumed, by that of the Sun.

Similar situations occur with Jupiter, which engulfs the smaller planets, until they disappear in its immense energetic abundance.


The sextile involves two planets that are placed at a distance of 60°.
It creates an effect of constructive interference between the energetic waves of the two planets involved, decidedly harmonious.

The Trine aspect has always been considered stronger and more incisive than the sextile, but we observe that sometimes the energetic push or the stimulus of an aspect can be even more favorable, for the individual, if it is not excessive. Sometimes a full constructive interference that expands the intensity of the energy waves of the two planets to the maximum can be too much, and the individual can still be a little overwhelmed.

The sextile is a constructive interference, but not in its full intensity, it is a basic stimulus of softness and expansion, which can cheer up our daily life in a much deeper and less pyrotechnic way, since joy is contained in the smallest gesture and it is up to us to recognize it.

Thus a Sun (the Self) in sextile with Jupiter (symbol of luck, pleasure of living, ability to abandon oneself to carefree immediacy), can be equal to or even superior to a trine between the same planets, sometimes too sure and confident, to the point of creating imbalances or exaggerated enthusiasm.


The square is a destructive interference between the energy waves of the two planets involved, which are placed at a distance of 90°.

The square indicates two waves that annihilate each other and therefore indicates a block, an obstacle, an effort, a forced stasis, a revision of our intentions and our existential projects.

It can correspond to a limitation, a slowdown, or even a disorder, a dispersion of energy or resources.

The problems that arise from the square are recurring and not quickly solved, and they continue to recur. They are generated by the dialogue between planets that are in two energies that are not easy to reconcile, such as Earth and Air, or Earth and Fire.

The difficulty consists in trying to reconcile two different forces, which try to move and explore life in completely different directions. Usually this aspect materializes in the form of desires and needs that exclude each other, of deep traumas, mental confusion and of strong friction and existential suffering.

The Square, in my vision as an astrologer, is not a “negative” aspect, just as the Trine is not a “positive” aspect. Positive and negative are a decidedly standardized vision and lacking in an existential richness that instead creates colorful and ever-new nuances, depending on the individual.

Aspects are what we make of them, and the square can be the necessary and successful springboard for the beginning of an inevitable awareness, so that the soul can move, without any more hesitation, towards the goal of Liberation. The Square gives no respite: the friction and existential suffering are so strong that the soul cannot help but turn inward and ask itself existential questions about the meaning of life, death, illness, separation, misery, injustice.

The Square is very different from the Opposition, since the opposition is between two planets belonging to energies in harmonious dialogue with each other (for example Aries-Fire and Libra-Air), who look at each other and face each other face to face, in a game of unconscious and conscious that is necessarily revealed by suffering. Aries, for example, with its impulsiveness, its aggressiveness, its explosiveness, is the unconscious of Libra, which practices the path of harmony, kindness, self-control.

The Quadrature is more subtle and lacerating for the soul, it is a true mutual annihilation, which creates stress and laceration on how to act, because it can arrive as a friction generated by an invisible cause, by two parts inside us that do not recognize each other and therefore do not communicate with each other. Their reconciliation means finding a contact between two sides that are mutually watertight, not easily interpenetrable.


The trine occurs when the planets are about 120 degrees apart and therefore in signs belonging to the same element.

The trine aspect is a favorable aspect, precisely because the dialogue takes place between two planets that share the same element and therefore work together with energies in harmony, that speak the same language and share the same values ​​of growth and vision of life.

Two planets in a trine support each other because they recall the same evolutionary intentions, such as two planets in a trine in air signs look towards an evolution in the theme of communication, of the relationship, of the relationship with others.


The Trine has an effect of mutual, harmonious and evident support. It can be compared to a real gift, a particularly happy note of the character or of the individual destiny, which allows the full expression of the forces in play, in a completely harmonious and almost effortless way.


The opposition means first of all maximum distance, a sense of loneliness, desertification, desolation.

Two planets are so far away, that they are in two opposite areas of the sky, but precisely in being diametrically opposed, they finally find each other and recognize each other. So far away, yet so close, like two sides of the same coin, like two hands of the same body.

The two planets in opposition belong to two energies in harmonious dialogue with each other (Ave-Fire and Libra-Air), which support each other, but which have dispersed and have ended up becoming almost enemies, since they now push in opposite directions, and must find themselves as allies, as a unicum that can guide all the rest of the planets towards liberation.

At the beginning, typically, with an opposition the personality splits, making one side prevail now, now another, with the result of bipolar, schizophrenic, confused, decentralized personalities, with the consequent generation of alternating periods of enthusiasm and depression, of trust and distrust, of planning and discouragement, of sociability and withdrawal. The immense solitude that is felt remains a valid state of mind in any case, necessary to understand that distance, detachment and differences are only an illusion and that everything is already united.

Unlike the Quadrature that produces a deep laceration of the soul, blocking its actions, the opposition produces an open conflict, difficult, deep, but an open conflict is at least more visible.

Giulia Maria Miscioscia